We are here to make your shopping easy and fun!
We specialize in importing premium leather handbags directly from Italy. We travel to Europe to meet with manufacturers to select our products. There are NO "middlemen" between us and the Italian designers / original manufacturers of these high-quality leather handbags that we offer on our website. Every leather handbag comes with factory direct official import and customs documents. We guarantee that you always get 100% authentic Italian made product.
Most Italian designer handbag factories consist of a handful of people, often multi-generation families, specializing in the art of handbag making. Their bags are versatile, durable, beautiful pieces of artwork that can be added to your handbag collection.
Today, fashionable handbags are an essential part of every contemporary woman's apparel. The demands of modern life are such that everybody is trying to find something specific for their needs. That is why we at www.MyFantasticBags.com try to provide a wide variety of handbags for every occasion. Most of the styles we offer are classic signature handbags that can be carried year-round and don't need to be changed from season to season. They possess famous Italian fashion flair, elegance, sleek lines, simplicity, and sophistication. Most bags that we offer are unique and available only on our website. You will not find these handbags in stores in the USA.
In establishing the range of the handbags available for you in our online catalog, we put a serious effort into considering each product's quality, fashion edge, and price. As a result, we offer 100% authentic Italian hand-selected merchandise that reflects new styles and represents some of Europe's famous designer names, like Gianni Chiarini, Giordano, Aura Moda Italiana, Bruno Rossi and many others. Some of the distinctive features of our exquisite fashion bags are their quality, class, and style. The best part about them is the price, which makes these bags very affordable for every woman.
Since we are direct importers, we pass our savings on to you, and we encourage you to shop on www.MyFantasticBags.com for the finest quality, best value, and originality of leather handbags available online. We hope that you, like many of our savvy American and International customers, will find this website your favorite place to shop. Here you can save money and enjoy acquiring quality authentic Italian goods. Browse our online catalog, and you will be thrilled at the variety and exclusiveness of the items we carry. Please bookmark this site now and visit us often since we are constantly adding new items to our inventory.
Please note, most of the bags we sell are very limited in stock. Once sold out, they are sold out forever. If you cannot find something that you saw on our website previously, chances are you have missed out, and that item is gone for good. Check our website frequently, so you don't miss out on any super good deals that we offer. We understand your undying passion for fashion, and we are dedicated to keeping your passion alive!