Cavalcanti brand name is synonymous with the best quality leather goods delivered at very reasonable prices. All Cavalcanti handbags are designed and handmade in Italy. All leather used in the creation of every bag has been processed with only natural tanning extracts of vegetable origin. Every stitch, pleat, pocket, and detail is carefully considered to ensure that Cavalcanti product is everything a great bag should be. Cavalcanti bags are effortlessly stylish, colorful, and fun, as well as practical and durable enough for even the most active individual. We are direct Importer of these fine Italian products. There are no intermediaries, agents, or any distributors between us and the brand owner/producer. We place our orders in person during our regular visits to Italy, and we are happy to bring you the elegance, beautiful, sleek simplicity, and sophisticated styling of Cavalcanti leather bags. Cavalcanti bag makes an excellent investment for all seasons, and we hope that you will love their new designs as much as we do.