For more than 45 years, "GUIA'S" has been making stunningly beautiful leather bags. Paying careful attention to the latest fashion trends and using the highest quality multicolored leathers, Guia's designers year after year deliver the most original notably different bags. Feminine and precious, these stunningly beautiful handbags are in great demand in Italy and in the rest of the world. Constant search for perfection, strictly established artisan methods, top quality leathers, and accessories, combined with outstanding artisanship, make each Guia's bag a unique piece of art! "Made in Italy", Guia's leather handbags represent an immediately recognizable sign of distinct fashion taste! We are a DIRECT importer of Italian bags, purses, and other "must-have" Italian products. There are absolutely NO intermediaries, agents, or distributors between us and "Chiara Guia's" – The original Italian designer/manufacturer of the high-quality and very economically priced leather handbags offered to you on this website. Show off your style and make a fashion statement with an eye-catching latest addition to the "Guia's" brand. Reward yourself today!