Why shop with us? It is really very simple, a great selection of Italian designer bags at fabulous prices!
We have something for everyone! We offer hundreds and hundreds of stylish, handpicked, beautiful Italian leather bags on SALE at the lowest possible prices. You have to see our great collection to believe it!
Need more convincing? Here are some very good reasons to shop with us today. We are one of the very few DIRECT importers of authentic handbags from "hard to find" Italian brands* (Please read more about Italian brands).
Our advantages over our competitors are many:
- We meet with all designers and manufacturers in Italy in person when placing our orders.
- We have long-standing personal and business relationships in Italy.
- We pay for our orders 3-6 months in advance, which allows us to obtain substantial discounts from the original designers and manufacturers.
- We are able to purchase our products in Italy at lower prices than European store owners because we do not have to pay 20% VAT (European Union Added Value Tax is assessed on all items sold within the EU). We import our products to USA (outside of European Union)
- Advanced ordering and VAT savings allow us to pay for shipping from Italy and US Customs duties. After all is paid and done, we still have a lower cost of bags than European boutique owners do, and we really pass our savings on to you! How great is that?
- Unlike most of our competitors, we do not purchase our inventory from any "middlemen", brokers, dealers, or distributors. We obtain all of our Italian bags directly from actual family-owned leather crafting houses, whom we have known personally for years…
More good reasons to shop with us;
- We offer FREE insured shipping (within the USA) and discounted International shipping worldwide.
- Fast Delivery… All products offered on this website are in stock. Most orders are shipped the same day that you order them (Monday – Saturday).
- Expert Advice. We will gladly provide you with our expert advice as you shop in our online store. Feel free to call or e-mail us. We are available 7 days a week from 11am – 11pm Pacific time. Count on us for reliable buying guidance and personalized courteous attention.
- Secure Shopping. When you make a purchase on this website, your information remains completely confidential and secure. Whenever we collect information from you, such as credit card data and contact details, the information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by searching for a closed lock icon at the bottom of your web browser or by looking for "https" to appear at the beginning of the web page address. All orders placed on this website directly by using VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, and DISCOVER cards are processed through BankCard Services Worldwide - the market leader in innovative payment solutions..
- We offer various convenient payment options for your shopping convenience. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover cards. We also accept payments on this website through PayPal and Amazon Payments.
- Valued Privacy. All information we receive from you is used only to complete your order. We will not sell or rent the information we collect from you to anyone. We will not share your information with any third party other than such disclosure required by law.
Please contact us if you need more information or have any unanswered questions. We are really looking forward to hearing from you!
*About Italian brands
Most Italian designer handbag factories consist of a handful of people, often multi-generation families, specializing in the art of handbag making. Such Italian manufacturers are not over "commercialized", and they give great importance to the maximum quality and styling of their products. Their bags are meant to be used, admired, and they will last for years. They are simply beautiful pieces of artwork!
Leather bags produced by such Italian companies are handmade and only available in a very limited quantity.
Our well-established personal and business relationships in Italy allow us to source and deliver these special products to you. The limited production also ensures our customers an element of exclusivity with every purchase. However, once sold out, they are sold out forever. If you cannot find something that you saw on our website previously, chances are you have missed out, and that item is gone for good.